Black Tea

There are many reasons to drink black tea – from the comfort of a hot cup on cold days to the alluring aroma of freshly brewed tea. Black tea also has an extremely good effect on health in many ways. Find out what are the 7 reasons it is worth drinking black tea.

Black tea is just one of the varieties of a delicious drink. And like any other tea, it is very useful. Before looking at its specific benefits, we should mention that black tea comes from the plant Camellia sinensis, which was originally only found in China.

It is an interesting fact that in China they call black tea “red tea”. Outside of China, however, red tea is the aromatic Rooibos herbal tea originating in South Africa.

What’s in the black tea?
Many useful nutrients such as caffeine, various antioxidants (catechins, tannins, guanines, xanthines), amino acids, minerals, proteins, fluoride, and polyphenols can be found in black tea. Black tea is calorie-poor but with a strong aroma and taste – the perfect substitute for unhealthy bottled beverages.

Types of black tea
There are many types of black tea, with the taste profile being predominantly determined by the producer country. In China alone, the following types of black tea are found: Congou, Keemun, Lapsang Souchong Dianhoung, Yingdehong, Jiu Qu Hong Mei (oxidized black tea) and Pu’erh (fermented black tea). About 40 countries in the world grow black tea, some of them Kenya, Indonesia, India, Argentina, South Korea, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Turkey. Perhaps one of the most popular and less bitter types of black tea is Earl Gray, to which bergamot oil is added.

Black tea promotes oral health
Useful compounds in black tea attack the harmful bacteria in the mouth that cause gum and tooth problems. These same compounds have the ability to inhibit the growth and production of acids by harmful bacteria, thus contributing to oral health.

Black tea is rich in antioxidants
Black tea contains polyphenols, antioxidants that inhibit DNA damage associated with smoking and exposure to other chemicals. Antioxidants in black tea are different from those found in fruits and vegetables and therefore have additional health benefits. It is these antioxidants that are thought to help prevent some types of cancer. The presence of antioxidants in black tea makes it an appropriate drink in case you want to lose weight.

Black tea strengthens the bones
Phytochemicals found in black tea are thought to strengthen the bones and reduce the likelihood of developing osteoporosis and arthritis.

Black tea reduces stress
After a long, busy day, a cup of black tea might be a good idea. Black tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which helps the body relax but also helps the mind to concentrate better. A regular and balanced intake of black tea has also been shown to reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Black tea improves the immune system
Black tea contains alkylamine antigens that enhance the body’s immune response. In addition, black tea contains tannins, true allies in the fight against viruses and influenza.

Black tea protects the heart
Black tea has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants also help to reduce inflammation in the blood vessels, which in turn helps to lower high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and blood clots.

Black tea reduces headache
There are many types of headaches, and some of the black tea can be very effective. If you experience tension-induced headaches, black tea can help, as it reduces stress and has a quick effect on pain. While most caffeine drinks constrict capillaries in the brain, causing headaches, black tea has the exact opposite effect. However, if you tend to have caffeine headaches and regularly drink coffee, it is better not to take extra black tea.