Jessica Biel

What are the three foods that Jessica Biel excludes from her menu? What is the reason why Jessica Biel avoids eating certain groups of foods? Learn more about Jessica Biel’s diet. For actress the good nutrition consists not so much in following certain rules as in a sense of how a food makes you feel. That’s why 34-year-old Jessica Biel and her husband, Justin Timberlake, are trying to avoid three food groups – containing gluten, wheat and dairy products.

“My digestion is better, I feel better, I have more energy … I’m just trying to eat healthily”, said Jessica Biel about her diet. Of course, the actress says she and Justin Timberlake sometimes allow themselves to pamper themselves with biscuits or pizza, but these are just certain “free” days.

Breakfast: Paleo pancakes with cashew nut and almond oil or honey with apple chicken sausages. Drinking – fresh juice or green tea with honey.

Lunch: For lunch, Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake love to make a salad with products such as spinach and radish grown in their own garden in California. Kinoa is added to the salad.

Intermediate breakfast: Gingerbread with sweet almond cheese (which has a similar flavor of cream cheese but is vegetable).

Dinner: Salmon with rice and grilled vegetables.

Recently, Jessica Biel has opened a restaurant in Los Angeles with all-healthy and organic dishes (including vegetarian and gluten-free options), which is another proof that the actress is very keen on the way she eats.

Recently, the effect of gluten, wheat and dairy consumption has been widely discussed by specialists. Many people are of the opinion that dairy products, wheat and gluten have a negative impact on human health. Before you decide to put on any diet, however, consult a doctor best.

How does Jessica Biel feed his son, Shillus?
“We all eat healthy, that is, we try to do it. Sylla is a child, so he sometimes does not want to eat broccoli or spinach and let him, for example, paste or french fries, “reveals Jessica Biel.

The most important thing about Jessica Biel’s diet is the balance because a healthy diet needs to be balanced.