
If you want your body to burn more fat, you need to stimulate your metabolism even in the morning. See how do you stimulate metabolism in the morning.

Do not miss breakfast
The most important meal for the day is breakfast. Never miss it. Breakfast activates your metabolism and gives a great start to your day. Have breakfast as soon as you get up. Breakfast should be satiety but not calorie. A good choice is omelet of proteins, yoghurt with fruits, etc.

Drink green tea
Green tea is the basis of a bunch of diets. Besides being full of antioxidants, green tea helps the body with burning calories. The important thing is not to sweeten green tea to avoid adding extra calories to your morning drink.

Heat time
To stimulate your metabolism from the morning, do not forget to exercise. If you have the opportunity to go out for jogging. If you have a cardio workout device (crosshair or bicycle gauge) take advantage. The more intense the training, the more active your body will be in burning calories during the day.

Do not forget the weights
Never forget to exercise weight. 10 minutes with dumbbells are enough to boost your metabolism from the morning.

Pallas are among the most difficult tightening zones. Whatever you do, no matter how much diet you keep, the love handles are standing. See how to melt the love handles.

Water, water, and water again
Remember, you should drink plenty of water all the time. Not just because of the intense workout. Water is a natural stimulant of metabolism.