Flat belly

Stop trying to swallow your belly and complaining that you hate it. We offer you an easy plan with three steps to change. Here’s how to do it:

1. Fitness plan
We offer a short weekly program:
– Monday, Thursday and Sunday – 30-45 minutes cardio (aerobic) exercise with moderate load;
– Tuesday and Saturday – a workout to reinforce all muscle groups by making 2-3 combinations and repeating them 10-12 times each;
– Wednesday and Friday – 20-30 minutes of intensive cardio exercises separated by intervals (30 seconds quickly, followed by 1-3 minutes at a moderate pace) and if necessary with breaks between them.

The goal is to burn calories that would accumulate as fat in the abdomen. It’s best done with cardio workouts (fast walking, jogging, cycling, bicycling) that make you sweat a lot, let your heart run and your pulse speed up (of course, by measure). That’s why the intensity is alternating – three days of moderate exercise and two days more intense, but at intervals. The other task is to make muscles.

This is why strength exercises twice a week to build up muscle mass. When you are in good physical shape, your metabolism is fast and you burn fat successfully.

2. Proper diet
Ensure you have enough protein in the menu to prevent muscle mass loss as you age. The recommendation is that 30% of the calories you get with your daily menu come from protein-rich products such as fish, chicken and eggs (without egg yolks). Take another 25-30% of the total calories of the day from monounsaturated fatty acids, called good fat. For this purpose, eat nuts (without peanuts), olives, avocados, use olive oil instead of other vegetable oil.

Fibers are also useful substances that keep from unwanted fat in the abdomen. Increase their intake to at least 25 grams per day – whole grain bread, brown rice, black beans, chickpeas, oatmeal, raw fruits and vegetables.

Do not forget about probiotics that support the healthy balance of intestinal bacteria and facilitate digestion. Every day eat yogurt, kefir, yoghurt, drink aryan and enough water. Especially useful are products that have been fermented, such as cabbage egg.

Restrict refined carbohydrates (white bread, crackers, sweets) because they can sharply raise the level of insulin in the blood, which results in fat accumulation around the waist. Stop snacking at any time on something small that does not even count on you. This bad habit leads to an incredibly large amount of extra calories, taken “unnoticed”.

Safe weight loss can be done by reducing your daily caloric intake by 500, but not below 1200 because you risk slowing down your metabolism.

3. Healthy lifestyle

Spend enough not to get fat. A study of more than 1,000 people aged 18 to 81 shows that those who slept less than 5 hours a day, after 5 years, have accumulated more visceral fat than those who slept for 7-8 hours. In addition, those who are unwell have been eating more – an average of 300 calories a day.

Spend less time on the couch and in front of the TV, move as much as possible. At the office, move the trash bin far to get off the desk every time, use the printer upstairs and go to your next room’s colleague instead of posting an e-mail. Every hour you have to sit and walk for 10 minutes, or even better, after 10 minutes of sitting, move for at least 1-2 minutes. Gardening, mountaineering and cycling are healthy hobbies. As much as you do not like, cleaning your home and especially washing windows is a great way to move around.

Learn to relax. Permanent stress is the enemy of health and the figure because it causes the body to produce too much cortisol, a hormone that provokes the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. In addition, chronic tension opens the appetite for sweet and greasy foods. You have not heard anyone say, “I’m so stressed that I need a salad,” but you’ve seen someone bobbing nervously like chocolate, ice cream, a huge pizza or beer chips and even worse – hard alcohol. Therefore, instead of reaching for food and drink, go out in the fresh air, talk to friends on the phone, go to yoga.
Here’s an easy way for a brief meditation: close your eyes, inhale deeply, then exhale slowly, repeat several times.

Rejoice. Poor mood leads to fat accumulation for two reasons: it increases the level of cortisol in the body and kills the desire of a person to do anything, including sports or healthy eating. So instead of falling into depression, try to appreciate even the smallest positive moments in your everyday life – the smile returns a smile, the joy comes with the little things.