
The Dermaroller is a rejuvenating and skin rejuvenating product for scarring and acne that can be applied at home. Learn more about the dermroller, how to use it and what to watch out for.

What is a Dermaroller ?
The Dermaroller is a big step forward in skin care when talking about products and home appliances. The dermaroller is like a system of small needles placed on a handle that “treats” the skin. The Dermaroller helps with scars and other skin problems. It is also believed that it rejuvenates the skin. The Dermaroller acts in a fairly simple way: literally destroying the old fabrics in order to create new ones. The Dermaroller acts to stimulate collagen production.

However, it is good to know some basic rules for using a dermaroller.

Your first Dermaroller should have the smallest size needles. It is good that the size is less than 1.5 mm. Give your skin time to get used to it and start with the most glamorous Dermaroller. Also know that the dermatologist is used not only on the face (although most often used there). Face shorter needles are needed for face zones. However, if you use a dermatologist and other body parts (belly, legs), needles should be longer. It is imperative to consult a seller, trusted cosmetician or dermatologist about the correct needle size for the purposes you want to achieve.

Be careful with the pressure
You should not apply too much pressure on the skin when using a dermatologist. The results will not be better if you press more. The only thing that will happen is to extend the recovery period and irritate the skin too much.

Also, you should not overdo how many times you go with the dermaroller.

It is good for each movement to be in a different direction: vertically, horizontally and in both diagonals.

BEFORE and AFTER any use, without exception, disinfect the dermatologist. Use isopropyl alcohol. Also, when cleaning, be careful not to twist the needles.

Clean the skin
The dermoler is always used on well-cleaned skin. We would even recommend you exfoliate it. Exfoliation not only accelerates the healing process but also helps to achieve better results.

Trust the sera
We have already told you about serum as a cosmetic product and how it affects the skin at a deeper level. Therefore, we recommend that you apply serum of your choice after using a dermatologist. The serum is your choice, depending on the results you are looking for – anti-aging, moisturizing, and so on.