Ellie Goulding

The singer Ellie Goulding undoubtedly strives for her appearance. What does the good singer owe her?

Tummy, tight body and wide smile. By this you will know Eli Goulding. It turns out that the 28-year-old singer is a workout man. At the same time, however, Eli Goulding does not give up his favorite foods and drinks. It tries to balance work and life. And obviously it is. Eli Goulding follows 4 basic rules for a healthy life. See who they are.

1. Do not be ashamed of your vices
The first step towards a better life is to admit your vices. Ellie Goulding admits he likes alcohol in moderate amounts
“Sometimes when I have a bad day I want to go home and have a drink. And I’m not ashamed of this ”

2. Eat as champions … but not always
Ellie Goulding likes to eat large quantities of vegetables. In her menu there are many green leafy vegetables. Besides, Ellie Goulding often prepares his green troubles, putting bananas, broccoli, avocado, spinach and whatever else he finds out. In addition, the performer is a fan of kernels and often eats super cinema food.

When she decides to get out of the “right path” of healthy eating, Ellie Goulding likes to eat fried sweet carrots and salad.

3. Work hard
Ellie Goulding loves the sensation after an exhausting workout. When she is not on the tour, the performer makes long morning crosses with her personal trainer. The training ends with weight training.
In addition, sometimes Ellie Goulding visits high-intensity 45-minute HIIT workouts or so-called ” Boot Camp Workouts.

4. You have to be strong, not weak
According to Ellie Goulding, the goal of a healthy lifestyle is to acquire a tight body and to be healthy. This does not always mean being super weak, because the structure of each person’s body is different.